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R W Walpole & Partners recognises that its commercial operations have impacts on its stakeholders.
As a socially responsible company, R W Walpole & Partners believes that its stakeholders have a right to expect that:
Products it produces are sourced and produced under working conditions that are hygienic and safe.
All workers involved in the production and supply of R W Walpole & Partners products are treated with full consideration to their basic human rights.
R W Walpole & Partners acts in an ethical manner above that at least meets basic legal requirements.
R W Walpole & Partners is therefore committed to following and implementing the principles of the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code. The base code states:
Employment is freely chosen.
Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected.
Working conditions are safe and hygienic.
Child labour shall not be used.
Living wages are paid - at least to NMW rates.
Working hours are not excessive.
No discrimination is practised.
Regular employment is provided.
No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed.
Our two main priorities on ethical trade are:

1. The welfare of our workers, contractors and suppliers.
2. Ensuring a sustainable environment impact.
This policy sets out R W Walpole & Partner's commitment to its stakeholders, setting out the measures being taken to ensure that the company is acting in an ethical manner.


R W Walpole is committed to the continuous improvement of environmental performance and management and the prevention of pollution form the activities we undertake. We will comply with all applicable legal and other relevant requirements that relate to our environmental aspects, official codes of practice and, as far as practicable, accepted best practice in environmental management.
We are committed to:
Implementing energy saving technologies and initiatives wherever practical.
Adopting strategies to minimise the environmental aspects of business travel.
Using utilities in a responsible and economic way to minimise negative impacts on the environment.
Managing waste according to our duty of care, minimising volumes going to landfill by re-use and recycling wherever possible.
Purchasing supplies wherever possible which are recycled and recyclable and whose production and use minimises the consumption of natural resources.
Conserving resources by ensuring that buildings and fittings are properly maintained and reflect appropriate eco guidance.
Implementing a water management strategy to reduce our impact on natural water supplies.
Maintaining strict protocols in relation to the use of pesticides including leaving 8 metre headlands on all fields to help reduce the impact on hedgerows and wildlife in accordance with our commitment to environmental initiatives.
Communicating this policy and our environmental performance to appropriate people working for or on behalf of the organisation.
Using contractors/suppliers who perform their services in accordance with the government’s environmental policy, demonstrating commitment to the continuous improvement of environmental performance and the management and prevention of pollution form the activities they undertake.

Want to know more?

We're here to help, contact our friendly staff during office hours if you want more information on any of our products.
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